j101 T. E. Woolley, E.A. Gaffney, J.M. Oliver, R.E. Baker, S.L. Waters, A. Goriely. Cellular blebs: pressure-driven, axisymmetric, membrane protrusions. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2014. 13, 2.
j100 C. L. Hall, D. Vella and A. Goriely. The mechanics of a chain or ring of spherical magnets. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2014. 73, 6.
c21 D. Moulton and A. Goriely. Mathematicians at the Movies: Sherlock Holmes vs. Professor Moriarty. IN S. Parc. 50 Visions of Mathematics. Institute of Mathematics. Oxford University Press. 2014.
j99 A. Yavari and A. Goriely. Nonlinear elastic inclusions in isotropic solids. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2013. 469, 2160
j98 B. Durickovic, A. Goriely, and J. H. Maddocks. Twist and stretch of helices explained via the Kirchhoff-Love rod model of elastic filaments. Physical Review Letters. 2013 . 111,10.
j97 J. Pan, A.O. El-Ballouli, L. Rollny, O. Voznyy, V. Burlakov, A. Goriely, E.H. Sargent, and O.M. Bakr. Automated Synthesis of Photo-voltaic-Quality Colloidal Quantum Dots using Separate Nucleation and Growth Stages. ACS Nano. 2013. 7, 11.
j96 M. A. Holland, T. Kosmata, A. Goriely, and E. Kuhl. On the mechanics of thin films and growing surfaces. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2013. 18. 6.
j95 H. Gadelha, E. Gaffney and A. Goriely. The counterbend phenomenon in flagellar axonemes and cross-linked filament bundles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 2013. 110, 30.
j94 S. O'Keeffe, D. Moulton, S. Waters, and A. Goriely. Growth-induced axial buckling of a slender elastic filament embedded in an isotropic elastic matrix. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 2013. 56.
j93 A. Majumdar and A. Goriely. Static and dynamic stability results for a class of three-dimensional configurations of Kirchhoff elastic rods. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2013. 235.
j92 R. Chirat, D. Moulton and A. Goriely. The mechanical basis of morphogenesis and convergent evolution of spiny seashells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 2013. 110, 15.
j91 A. Goriely and M. Tabor. Rotation, inversion, and perversion in anisotropic elastic cylindrical tubes and membranes. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2013. 469, 2153.
j90 Melnik and A. Goriely. Dynamic fiber reorientation in a fiber-reinforced hyperelastic material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2013. 18, 6.
j89 V.M. Burlakov, I. Foulds, and A. Goriely. Light induced modulation instability of surfaces under intense illumination. Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. 103, 25.
j88 D. E. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, A. Goriely, 2013. Morphoelastic rods Part I: a single growing rod. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. =2013. 61, 2.
j87 A. Mihai and A. Goriely. Numerical simulation of shear and the Poynting effects by the finite element method: An application of the generalised empirical inequalities in non-linear elasticity. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 2013. 49.
j86 Yavari and A. Goriely. Weyl Geometry and the Nonlinear Mechanics of Distributed Point Defects. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science. 2012. 468.
j85 D. E. Moulton, A. Goriely, and R. Chirat. Mechanical growth and morphogenesis of seashells. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 311.
j84 C. Prior, A. Goriely. The Fourier transform of tubular densities. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2012. 45, 22.
j83 A. Majumdar, C. Prior, and A. Goriely. Stability estimates for a twisted rod under terminal loads: a three-dimensional study. Journal of Elasticity. 2012. 109, 1.