j82 A. Goriely, S. Neukirch, and A. Hausrath. Helices through 3 or 4 points? Note di Matematica. 2012. 32, 1.
j81 A. Yavari and A. Goriely. Riemann-Cartan Geometry of Nonlinear Dislocation Mechanics. Archives of Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 2012. 205, 1.
j80 A. Yavari and A. Goriely. Riemann-Cartan Geometry of Nonlinear Disclination Mechanics. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 18, 1.
j79 V. M. Burlakov, N. Emptage, A. Goriely, and P. Bressloff. Synaptic bistability due to nucleation and evaporation of receptor clusters. Physical Review Letters. 2012. 108, 2.
j78 M. Robertson-Tessi, A. El-Kareh, A. Goriely. A mathematical model of tumor-immune interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2012. 294.
j77 S. Neukirch; J. Frelat, A. Goriely, and C. Maurini. Vibrations of post-buckled rods: the singular inextensible limit. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2012. 331, 3.
j76 A. Mihai and A. Goriely. Positive or negative Poynting effect? The role of adscititious inequalities in hyperelastic materials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2011. 467.
j75 M. Epstein and A. Goriely. Self-diffusion in remodelling and growth. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2012. 63, 2.
j74 B. Durickovic, M. Quezada, and A. Goriely. Nonlinear waves in heterogeneous elastic rods via homogenization. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 2012. 47, 2.
c20 A. Goriely and V. Klika. Current challenges in the mechanobiology of growth. Report on BIRS workshop. Mathematical Foundations in Mechanical Biology. 2012. Category: Growth Code: C20
c19 A. Goriely and D. Moulton. The Mathematics behind Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. IN SIAM NEWS, April 2012. 45. 3.
j73 A. Goriely and M. Tabor. Spontaneous rotational inversion in Phycomyces. Physics Review of Letters. 2011. 106, 13.
j72 D. Moulton and A. Goriely. Possible role of differential growth in airway wall remodeling in asthma. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2011. 110, 4.
j58 B. Durickovic, A. Goriely, G. Saccomandi. Compact waves on planar elastic rods. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2009. 44, 5.
j71 D. Moulton and A. Goriely. Circumferential buckling instability of a growing cylindrical tube. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2011. 59, 3.
j70 M. Destrade, A. Goriely, G. Saccomandi. Scalar evolution equations for shear waves in incompressible solids: a simple derivation of the Z, ZK, KZK, and KP equations. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2011. 467, 2131.
j69 J. McMahon, A. Goriely, and M. Tabor. Nonlinear morphoelastic plates II: Exodus to buckled states. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2011. 16, 8.
j68 J. McMahon, A. Goriely, and M. Tabor. Nonlinear morphoelastic plates I: Genesis of residual stress. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2011. 16, 8.
j67 D. Ambrosi, G. A. Ateshian, E. M. Arruda, M. Ben Amar, S. C. Cowin, J. Dumais, A. Goriely, G. A. Holzapfel, J. Humphrey, R. Kemkemer, E. Kuhl, J. Ma, J. E. Olberding, L. A. Taber, R. Vandiver, and K. Garikipati. Perspectives on biological growth and remodelling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2011. 59, 4.
j66 R. De Pascalis, M. Destrade, and A. Goriely. Nonlinear Correction to the Euler Buckling Formula for Compressed Cylinders with Guided-Guided End Conditions. Journal of Elasticity. 2011. 102, 2.