j48 A. Goriely and M. Ben Amar. On the definition and modeling of incremental, cumulative, and continuous growth laws in morphoelasticity. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2007. 6.
j47 Hausrath and A. Goriely. Continuous Representations of Proteins: Construction of Coordinate Models from Curvature Profiles. The Journal of Structural Biology. 2007. 158, 3.
j46 R. Cangelosi and A. Goriely. Component retention in principal component analysis with application to cDNA microarray data. Biology Direct. 2007. 2, 2.
j45 A. Goriely and S. Neukirch. Mechanics of Climbing and Attachment in Twining Plants. Physical Review Letters. 2006. 97.
j44 A. Goriely, M. Destrade, and M. Benamar. Instabilities in Elastomers and Soft Tissues. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 2006. 59.
j43 N. Choauaieb, A. Goriely, and J. H. Maddocks. Helices. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. 2006. 103, 25.
j42 A. Goriely and M. Tabor. Estimates of biomechanical forces in Magnaporthe grisea. Mycological Research. 2006. 110, 7.
j41 A. Goriely, Ph. Boulanger, and J. Leroy. Toy Models: The jumping pendulum. American Journal of Physics. 2006. 74, 9.
j40 A. Goriely. Twisted elastic rings and the rediscoveries of Michell's instability. Journal of Elasticity. 2006. 84, 3.
j39 A. Hausrath and A. Goriely. Protein architectures predicted by a continuum representation of fold space. Protein Science. 2006. 15, 4.
j38 R. Goldstein and A. Goriely. Dynamic buckling of morphoelastic filaments. Physical Review E. 2006. 74.
j37 S. Lafortune, A. Goriely and M. Tabor. The dynamics of stretchable rods in the inertial case. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2006. 43, 1.
j36 A. Tongen, A. Goriely, and M. Tabor. Biomechanical model for appressorial design in Magnaporthe grisea. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2006. 240, 1.
c14 S. Neukirch and A. Goriely. Twining Plants : How Thick Should their Supports Be? IN Proceedings of the 5th Plant Biomechanics Conference, Stockholm. 2006.
j35 A. Goriely and M. Ben Amar. Differential Growth and Instability in Elastic Shells. Physics Review Letters. 2005. 94, 19.
j34 M. Ben Amar and A. Goriely. Growth and Instability in Elastic Tissues. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2005. 53, 10.
j33 Goriely, G. Károlyi, and M. Tabor. Growth Induced Curve Dynamics for Filamentary Micro-Organisms. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 2005. 51, 3.
c13 A. Goriely. Elastic growth and instability in soft tissues. IN Oberwolfach Reports: Mathematical methods and models of continuum biomechanics. EMS Publishing House. 2005.
c12 A.Goriely and M.B. Amar. Morpho-Elasticité. IN R. Ribotta (Ed.) Rencontres de Physique non linéaire. 2005.
c11 A. Goriely. Knotted umbilical cords. IN J. A. Calvo, A. Stasiak (Eds.) Physical and Numerical Models in Knot Theory Including Applications to the Life Sciences. World Scientific. 2005.