j159 J. Weickenmeier, P. Saez, E. Kuhl and A. Goriely. Bulging brains. Journal of Elasticity. 2016.
j158 B. Murali, E. Yengel, W. Peng, Z. Chen, M.S. Alias, E. Alarousu Boon, S. Ooi, V. Burlakov, A. Goriely, M. Eddaoudi, O.M. Bakr, and O.F. Mohammed. Temperature-Induced Lattice Relaxation of Perovskite Crystal Enhances Optoelectronic Properties and Solar Cell Performance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2017. 8. 1. 137–143.
j157 A. Goriely, E. Kuhl, J. Weickenmeier. The mechanics of decompressive craniectomy: Bulging in idealized geometries. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2016. 96. 572-590.
j156 A. Goriely and A. Yavari. The Anelastic Ericksen’s Problem: Universal Eigenstrains and Deformations in Compressible Isotropic Elastic Solids. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2016. 472. 2196.
j155 A. Erlich, D. E. Moulton, A. Goriely and R. Chirat. Morphomechanics and developmental constraints in the evolution of ammonites shell form. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 2016. 326. 7. 437-450.
j154-2 Namchul Cho, Feng Li, Bekir Turedi, Lutfan Sinatra, Smritakshi P. Sarmah, Manas R. Parida, Makhsud I. Saidaminov, Banavoth Murali, Victor M. Burlakov, Omar F. Mohammed, Tom Wu, and Osman M. Bakr and Alain Goriely. Pure crystal orientation and anisotropic charge transport in large-area hybrid perovskite films. Nature Communications. 2016. 7.
j153 A. Goriely, J. Weickenmeier, and E. Kuhl. Stress Singularities in Swelling Soft Solids. Physical Review Letters. 2016. 117, 13.
j152 J. Weickenmeier, C. Butler, P.G. Young, A. Goriely, E. Kuhl. The mechanics of decompressive craniectomy: Personalized simulations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2017. 314. 180-195.
j151 A. Goriely and T. Lessinnes. Design and stability of a family of deployable structures. SIAM. 2016. 76. 5.
R. Bose, J. Sun, J. I. Khan, B. S. Shaheen, A. Adhikari, T. K. Ng, V. M. Burlakov, M. R. Parida, D. Priante, A. Goriely, B. S. Ooi, O. M. Bakr, O. F. Mohammed. Real–Space Visualization of Energy Loss and Carrier Diffusion in a Semiconductor Nanowire Array Using 4D Electron Microscopy. Materials. 28. 5106–5111. 2016.
j149 P.T. Brun, B. Audoly, A. Goriely, D. Vella. The surprising dynamics of a chain on a pulley: Lift-off and snapping. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 2016.
j148 A.A. Lee, D. Vella, A. Goriely, S. Kondrat. The Capacitance-Power-Hysteresis Trilemma in Nanoporous Supercapacitors. Physical Review X. 2016.
j147-2 G.E.Lang, D. Vella, and A. Goriely. Mathematical modelling of blood–brain barrier failure and edema. Math Med Biol. 2016.
j146-2 L.Mihai and A.Goriely. Guaranteed upper and lower bounds on the uniform load of contact problems in elasticity. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2016.
j145 H. Hofhuis, D. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, A. Routier-Kierzkowska, R.J. Bomphrey, G. Mosca, H. Reinhardt, P. Sarchet, X. Gan, M. Tsiantis, Y. Ventikos, S. Walker, A. Goriely, R. Smith, A. Hay. Morphomechanical innovation drives explosive seed dispersal. Cell. 2016.
j144 S. Sadik, A. Angoshtari, A. Goriely, A. Yavar. A Geometric Theory of Nonlinear Morphoelastic Shells. Journal of Nonlinear Science. 2016.
j143 D. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, L. Dorfmann, and A. Goriely. The Elastic Secrets of the Chameleon Tongue. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineerings Sciences. 2016. 472, 2188.
j142 P. Recho, A. Jerusalem and A. Goriely. Growth, collapse, and stalling in a mechanical model for neurite motility. Physical Review E. April 2016. 93, 4.
j141 A. A. Lee, D. Vella and A. Goriely, Quantum capacitance modifies interionic interactions in semiconducting nanopores. Europhysics Letters. 2016. 113, 3.
j140 W. Peng, L. Wang, B. Murali, K. Ho, A. Bera, N. Cho, C. Kang, V. M. Burlakov, J. Pan, L. S. Ma, W. Xu, D. Shi, E. Alarousu, A. Goriely, Jr -Hau He, O. F. Mohammed, T. Wu, and O. M. Bakr. Solution-Grown Monocrystalline Hybrid Perovskite Films for Hole-Transporter Free Solar Cells. Advanced Materials. 2016. 28, 17.