Bartosz Kacsmarski, Sophie Leanza, Renee Zhao, Derek Moulton, Ellen Kuhl, Alain Goriely. Minimal design of the elephant trunk as an active filament. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2024.
j149 P.T. Brun, B. Audoly, A. Goriely, D. Vella. The surprising dynamics of a chain on a pulley: Lift-off and snapping. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 2016.
j145 H. Hofhuis, D. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, A. Routier-Kierzkowska, R.J. Bomphrey, G. Mosca, H. Reinhardt, P. Sarchet, X. Gan, M. Tsiantis, Y. Ventikos, S. Walker, A. Goriely, R. Smith, A. Hay. Morphomechanical innovation drives explosive seed dispersal. Cell. 2016.
j143 D. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, L. Dorfmann, and A. Goriely. The Elastic Secrets of the Chameleon Tongue. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineerings Sciences. 2016. 472, 2188.
j120 D. E. Moulton, R. Chirat and A. Goriely. The morpho-mechanical basis of ammonite form. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2015. 364.
j105 D. Vella, E. du Pontavice, C. L. Hall and A. Goriely. Magnetic Chains: From self-buckling to self-assembly. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2014. 470.
j102 D. E. Moulton and A. Goriely. Surface growth kinematics via local curve evolution. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 2014. 68, 1-2.
c21 D. Moulton and A. Goriely. Mathematicians at the Movies: Sherlock Holmes vs. Professor Moriarty. IN S. Parc. 50 Visions of Mathematics. Institute of Mathematics. Oxford University Press. 2014.
j92 R. Chirat, D. Moulton and A. Goriely. The mechanical basis of morphogenesis and convergent evolution of spiny seashells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 2013. 110, 15.
j85 D. E. Moulton, A. Goriely, and R. Chirat. Mechanical growth and morphogenesis of seashells. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 311.
c19 A. Goriely and D. Moulton. The Mathematics behind Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. IN SIAM NEWS, April 2012. 45. 3.
j57 R. Vandiver and A. Goriely. Tissue tension and axial growth of cylindrical structures in plants and elastic tissues. EPL. 2008. 84, 5.
j45 A. Goriely and S. Neukirch. Mechanics of Climbing and Attachment in Twining Plants. Physical Review Letters. 2006. 97.
j41 A. Goriely, Ph. Boulanger, and J. Leroy. Toy Models: The jumping pendulum. American Journal of Physics. 2006. 74, 9.
c11 A. Goriely. Knotted umbilical cords. IN J. A. Calvo, A. Stasiak (Eds.) Physical and Numerical Models in Knot Theory Including Applications to the Life Sciences. World Scientific. 2005.
j28 A. Goriely and T. McMillen. The shape of a cracking whip. Physical Review Letters. 2002. 88. 24.
j27 T. McMillen and A. Goriely. 2002. Tendril perversion in intrinsically curved rods. J. Nonlinear Science. 2002. 12. 3.
c9 A. Goriely. Noeuds: Genèse d'une Théorie Mathématique by A. Sossinsky. A book review. Notices of the AMS 2000. 47, 6.
Applied Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press (February 2018, 120 pages).
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A.Goriely. Morphoelasticity: The Mathematics and Mechanics of Biological Growth. Springer-Verlag Interdisciplinary and Applied Mathematics. 2017 (651 Pages). Find it on Amazon.
Goriely, P. Hosoi, H. Dankowicz. Non-linear mechanics of biological structures. Special Issue of the International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 2011. 46, 4.
M. Ben Amar, A. Goriely, M. Mueller (Eds.) New Trends in the Physics and Mechanics of Biological Systems: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School. Volume 92. Oxford University Press. 2011
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A. Goriely. Integrability and Nonintegrability of Dynamical Systems. World Scientific. 2001 (436 pages).
Out of print, but you can grab one on Amazon for £375 (a bargain).