j143 D. Moulton, T. Lessinnes, L. Dorfmann, and A. Goriely. The Elastic Secrets of the Chameleon Tongue. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineerings Sciences. 2016. 472, 2188.
j139 P.S. Stewart, S. L. Waters, T. El Sayed, D. Vella, A. Goriely. Wrinkling, creasing, and folding in fiber-reinforced soft tissues. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2015.
j138 A. Yavari, A. Goriely, The Twist-Fit Problem: Finite Torsional and Shear Eigenstrains in Nonlinear Elastic Solids. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2015. 471, 2183.
j135-2 T. Lessinnes, D. Moulton, A. Goriely. Morphoelastic rods Part II: Growing birods. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2017. 100. 147–196
j132 T. Woolley, E. Gaffney, A. Goriely. Membrane shrinkage and cortex remodelling is predicted to work in harmony to retract blebs. Royal Society Open Science. 2015. 2, 7.
j128 A. Mihai, K. Alayyash, and A. Goriely. Paws, pads, and plants: The enhanced elasticity of cell-filled load-bearing structures. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 2015. 471, 2178.
j127 T. Woolley, E. Gaffney, J. M. Oliver, S. L. Waters, R. E. Baker and A. Goriely. Global contraction or local growth, bleb shape depends on more than just cell structure. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2015. 380.
j122 A.Yavari and A. Goriely. On the stress singularities generated by anisotropic eigenstrains and the hydrostatic stress due to annular inhomogeneities. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2015. 76.
j118 Melnik and A. Goriely. On the modeling of fiber dispersion in fiber-reinforced elastic materials. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics. 2015. 75.
j117 A. Mihai and A. Goriely. Finite deformation effects in cellular structures with hyperelastic cell walls. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2015. 53.
c22 A. Yavari and A. Goriely. Non-Metricity and the Nonlinear Mechanics of Distributed Point Defects. IN R. J. Knops, G.-Q. Chen, and M. Grinfeld (Eds). Differential Geometry and Continuum Mechanics. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2015.
j113 Yavari and A. Goriely. The Geometry of Discombinations and its Applications to Semi-Inverse Problems in Anelasticity. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2014. 470. 2169.
j112 A. Mihai and A. Goriely. Nonlinear Poisson Effects in Soft Honeycombs. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2014. 470, 2169.
j106 S. Neukirch, O. Thomas, and A. Goriely. Singular inextensible limit in the vibrations of post-buckled rods: analytical derivation and role of boundary conditions. Journal of Sound Vibrations. 2014. 33, 2.
j100 C. L. Hall, D. Vella and A. Goriely. The mechanics of a chain or ring of spherical magnets. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2014. 73, 6.
j99 A. Yavari and A. Goriely. Nonlinear elastic inclusions in isotropic solids. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 2013. 469, 2160
j98 B. Durickovic, A. Goriely, and J. H. Maddocks. Twist and stretch of helices explained via the Kirchhoff-Love rod model of elastic filaments. Physical Review Letters. 2013 . 111,10.
j95 H. Gadelha, E. Gaffney and A. Goriely. The counterbend phenomenon in flagellar axonemes and cross-linked filament bundles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 2013. 110, 30.
j94 S. O'Keeffe, D. Moulton, S. Waters, and A. Goriely. Growth-induced axial buckling of a slender elastic filament embedded in an isotropic elastic matrix. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 2013. 56.
j93 A. Majumdar and A. Goriely. Static and dynamic stability results for a class of three-dimensional configurations of Kirchhoff elastic rods. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2013. 235.
Applied Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press (February 2018, 120 pages).
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A.Goriely. Morphoelasticity: The Mathematics and Mechanics of Biological Growth. Springer-Verlag Interdisciplinary and Applied Mathematics. 2017 (651 Pages). Find it on Amazon.
Goriely, P. Hosoi, H. Dankowicz. Non-linear mechanics of biological structures. Special Issue of the International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics. 2011. 46, 4.
M. Ben Amar, A. Goriely, M. Mueller (Eds.) New Trends in the Physics and Mechanics of Biological Systems: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches Summer School. Volume 92. Oxford University Press. 2011
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A. Goriely. Integrability and Nonintegrability of Dynamical Systems. World Scientific. 2001 (436 pages).
Out of print, but you can grab one on Amazon for £375 (a bargain).