
Current & Former Students

Hamza Alawiye

Hamza worked on understanding pattern formation on the surface of growing elastic materials. He is now a Research Scientist at Deep Render.

Christoffer Alexanderson

Christoffer is now a post-doc at UPenn in the Complex Systems lab led by Dani Bassett, and continues to focus on modeling the human brain during disease.

Georgia Brennan

Georgia continues research to advance the understanding of the clearance of toxic proteins in Alzheimer’s disease, now as a post-doc in the GSK-Oxford Institute of Molecular & Computational Medicine.

David Beers

David is interested in applications of TDA to the shape of neurons, stability of the Euler characteristic transform, and inverse problems for persistent homology. He continues this work in Mason Porter’s group at UCLA.

Pavan Chaggar

Pavan is a neuroscientist working on data analysis and modelling of brain atrophy in dementia. He continues this work as a post-doc with Lund University’s MULTIPARK initiative.

Matthew Cotton

Matthew studies how biological membranes form complex shapes, for example via proteins that curve the membrane or consume energy to generate forces. Co-supervised with Professor Ramin Golestanian.

Christian Goodbrake

Christian studies the geometry associated with deforming solids. He now works at the Willerson Center for Cardiovascular Modeling and Simulation (WCCMS), U of Texas at Austin.

Ramón Nartallo-Kaluarachchi

Ramón is a mathematician studying whole-brain computational models and their applications in characterising brain states and the transitions between them. He is co-supervised by Alain Goriely, Renaud Lambiotte and Morten Kringelbach.

Christoforos Kassianides

Christoforos works on establishing a mechanical framework for understanding axon guidance through a combination of multi-scale models and continuum mechanics.

Andrew O’Heachteirn

Andrew is working on mathematical models of neurodegeneration that account for pathological features of the brain’s microcirculation

Prama Putra

Prama is interested in the mathematical modelling of epidemiological problems. He is now an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Bandung Institute of Technology, West Java, Indonesia.


Masha Dvoriashyna

Masha is now a Chancellor’s Fellow (equivalent to a Lecturer) at the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh.

Yang Liu

Yang is a Marie-Curie Fellow. His research interests include morphoelasticity, bifurcation phenomena (buckling, wrinkling, creasing, folding, etc.) in soft tissues, reduced models of film-substrate structures and liquid crystal elastomers, mechanical metamaterials, and asymptotic analysis in solid mechanics.

Thomas Lessinnes

Thomas is now working at Ecole Polytechnique, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Hadrien Oliveri

Hadrien is now Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Department of Comparative Development and Genetics, Cologne.

Travis Thompson

Travis is now Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Texas Tech University.

Zachary Wilmott

Zach is using viscoelastic and stochastic modelling methods to study various aspects of the centriole division process.



  • Antoine Tholoniat, École Polytechnique
  • Laetitia Eichner, École Polytechnique
  • Félix Benoist, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan